We invite you to join us on our exciting journey.


Recruiting Process

Working Environment

Annual salary system
Flexible Work Hour
40 hours/week, five-day work week,
flexible work hours, and telecommuting
Food expense support
Meal support for working overtime and
business trip to the provinces
Expenses and benefits
Cell phone fees, traveling allowance,
extra payment on monitoring in the province
Health insurance, company dinner support, holiday gifts,
reward according to years of service,
benefits for outstanding staff, health medical examination


Support Self-Development
Support employee’s self-development (leisure, education, exercise)
Expenditure for congratulations and condolences
Provide day-off and expenditure for marriage, childbirth, 60th birth, 70th birth, and etc..
Physical examination and medical treatment support
Discount on medical treatment in CHA Health Systems.
(apply for direct, collateral, and acquaintance)
Reward according to years of service
Provide reward and vacation according to years of service.
Support staff social club
Support employees' leisure activities.